Greta Family photos

A few weeks ago, I headed out to Greta (Close-Ish to the NSW border) to photograph my amazing friends Jess and Scott, their beautiful daughters and fur babies on their INCREDIBLE property.⁠ Check out their amazing Greta Family Photos!

Family photo. mum, dad, two daughters and two dogs, sitting on a run in the paddock, looking at the camera. golden light shining through the trees behind them

We were blessed with a glorious sunset but with all the recent rain the mozzies were EVERYWHERE and the little ones didn’t last long. That was totally fine, because it meant I could focus on capturing a few photographs of Jess and Scott on their own!⁠

They say never work with children and animals…… WHOOPS!⁠ ⁠I must have had the unicorn bunch because these guys did incredible, mozzies and all haha⁠

Sibling shots are a MUST in every family session. Sometimes they will be the stock standard boring posed photo, but sometimes, just sometimes they look like this. Pure happiness, smiles and laughter. Perfection.

Greta family photos, husband and wife looking at each other sharing a moment.

My absolutely Fav photos are the candid ones where I get my clients to do or say something to make each other laugh ot react in one way or another. These always make for the most authentic captures.⁠

This one made both Jess and I giggle when we saw it on the back of the camera. ⁠The face Scott is making here is 100% Typical Scott being gob smacked with his wife’s comments.

But honestly, everything about this photograph makes my soul happy. The colours, the lighting but most of all that true emotion that is shining through… LOVE⁠!

Greta Family photos. mum dad and two daughters standing together smiling at the camera.

That one in a million puppy…

Now, I want you to meet Loki just over 11 now. He was Jess and Scott’s baby before they had their babies. He is sweet natured but protective of his family (especially mummy and sisters). Jess believes that we have pets and love them as we would any child. But then on a very rare and special occasion, one comes into your life and links with your soul on a completely different level. He is Jess’s soul companion. He watches out for her, listens to her worries and gives all his love and patience in return.

When the day comes and he leaves over the rainbow bridge, Jess says she will lose a piece of herself, but that he will also leave a piece behind, inside her heart forever. This she will cherish until her last breath when she can be with him again. This is why we made a sure to capture the bond Jess and Loki have together with some beautiful moments caught on camera.

It’s no secret that I absolutely love what I do but being able to travel to beautiful places across Australia and the world to photograph my clients, is one of the best parts to my “job”. and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

To learn more about our family photography experience check out this link.

Greta Family photos. mum dad and two daughters standing together smiling at the camera. black and white photo

Jess’s hair and makeup was done by the beautiful Aria. Check out her work here.

Newborn Photography

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